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Why Hasn’t My Withdrawal Arrived

Guide on what to do when withdrawal hasn't arrived.

Updated over a week ago

The process of transferring funds from to another exchange or wallet involves three steps:

1. Withdrawal request on

2. Confirmation on the blockchain network

3. Deposit on the corresponding platform

Usually, will proceed the withdrawals within an average of 24 hours. Once the withdrawal has been processed, we will generate a transaction ID (TXID), which indicates that the withdrawal transaction was successful. However, it may take some time for the transaction to be confirmed, and even longer for the funds to be credited to the destination wallet. The number of "network confirmations" required varies for different blockchains.

Due to possible network congestion, your transaction may take longer to process. You can use the TXID to check the status of your asset transfer using a blockchain explorer.


- If the blockchain explorer shows that the transaction is unconfirmed, please wait for the confirmation process to be completed. This may vary depending on the blockchain network.

- If the blockchain explorer shows that the transaction is already confirmed, it means that your funds have been sent successfully, and cannot provide any further assistance. You will need to contact the owner/support team of the destination address to seek further help.

How can I check the transaction status on the blockchain?

To view your deposit record, log in to your account and go to [History] - [Deposits]. You can use [TXID] to check your transaction details.

If the [Status] shows that the transaction is "Processing," please wait for the confirmation process to be completed. If the [Status] shows that the transaction is "Processed," your withdrawal is completed.

Before making a withdrawal, make sure that the receiving platform/wallet supports the token you are withdrawing and the network you are using. If you are unsure, please check with the receiving platform/wallet first to avoid losing your assets, which cannot be recovered.

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